Modern and traditional chinese clothes + ancient oriental clothes
Chinese Clothes + Oriental Clothes
( Asian men's clothing, Chinese women's clothes, Oriental children's garment )

Traditional Chinese Clothes
In ancient society people lived in crude caves, naked. During the New Stone Age they invented bone needle and began to sew simple winter dress with leaves and animal skins. With the development of the society, people were engaged in agriculture and they started to spin and weave, even sewed coats with linen.
In the class society, dress became the token of social status. It was from the Xia and Shang Dynasties that dress system came into being in China. In the Zhou Dynasty, the system was perfected. From then on the distinctions as to color, design and adornment of dress were strictly made among the emperor, officials and the common people.
China is a multi-national country. Each nation has a traditional culture of its own. The mutual support and inspiration among different nationals made Chinese dress more plentiful and glorious.
During the Sui and Tang Dynasties, the economy boomed and people led a quiet life. People from different countries gathered in Changan and Luoyang to promote the international cultural exchange. Particularly the culture of middle Asia deeply influenced Chinese dress system.
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Modern Chinese Clothes
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Mens Cozy Happy Coat Dynamic Dragon Riversible Robe Japanese Dragon/Tiger Kimono
Chinese & Oriental Gifts.